Aus der Newsgroup: O365 Sharepoint vs Onedrive – 20,000/5,000 item limits

Die folgende Frage kam über die Newsgroup:

I’m having trouble understanding the difference between a shared folder in OneDrive for Business and a Sharepoint document library, and the file limits.

OneDrive for Business can have 20,000 items in it. These folders can be shared with other users. However the other users sync these folders as “Sharepoint” folders on their PCs, not OneDrive folders. So does the 5,000 Sharepoint limit apply here or the 20,000 OneDrive limit?

The limitation on number of items is solely a sync client limitation, not a Sharepoint Online/OneDrive for Business one per se, that is, I could have a document library in Sharepoint online with 35,000 items in it and other users could access those files via the portal, but not via the sync client. Is this right?

Das gehört unseres Erachtens zur Kategorie “Warum selbst etwas schreiben, wenn dies schon jemand Anders getan hat.” In diesem Falle hat der Kollege Hans Brender sehr gute Artikel zum Thema OneDrive / OneDrive for Business und somit auch Antworten auf die gestellte Frage:

Here are the relevant blog posts:

As the last one is German only, I translated the relevant part for you with Microsoft Translator:

[….] many companies want to connect 1:1 in the cloud to an existing file server structure.
And fail then further limitations of SharePoint online and even if these data to the cloud could be transmitted, these are not synchronized
You can synchronize maximum 20000 OneDrive for business documents in a document library.
maximum 5000 documents can be synchronized in a folder within a document library.
You exceed one or the other, no more data is synchronized. This should let always previously incorporated in their considerations, like one that has grown over the years file server structure on SharePoint online (and also on SharePoint Server 2013) can be migrated. [….]

Ansonsten sei hier noch einmal der Hinweis auf die Dienstbeschreibungen von Microsoft gegeben, die man sich (wiederholt) durchlesen sollte: